Auto ordnance 10mm
Auto ordnance 10mm

You can literally feel the connection between the gun and its target and point shooting is so easy it seems impossible to miss at times with all the bullets unerringly speeding to the target regardless of whether the sights are employed. Like all twin pistol grip Thompsons, the gun pointed like there was a tangible line running down the bore to the target. Georgia Arms is a small ammunition company striving to make its mark among the giants like Remington and Winchester. I consider Black Hills and Barnaul to be toe to toe competitors for the title of the ammo maker most fanatically dedicated to perfection.

#Auto ordnance 10mm plus

I had 750 rounds to fire consisting of 500 rounds of Black Hills 230-grain FMJ and 200 rounds of Barnaul 230-grain FMJ plus 50 rounds of Georgia Arms 185-grain plated Total Jacket suitable for indoor ranges. Fit and finish was flawless and the trigger pull broke clean at 10 ½ pounds as measured with a Lyman trigger pull gauge from Brownell’s Gunsmithing Supply. After all, I had one of the first ones ever made in 1975. When I picked up the test rifle for this article at Reeves Ace Hardware in Clayton, Georgia it was reminiscent of meeting an old friend again.

auto ordnance 10mm

  • Specialty models are available for commemoratives as well as engraving.
  • Today you can buy 10, 20, and 30 round stick magazines as well as 10, 50, and 100 round drum magazines.
  • Guns were given a higher grade of finish and all new magazines were fabricated.
  • All wooden parts are newly made to the original design and the original paddle type safety and knob bolt handle were brought back.
  • New stamping rollers were made so the markings are clearer.
  • Most of these are made on modern CNC machines.
  • The prints were computerized and all new parts were employed.
  • auto ordnance 10mm

    Over the years there have been the following improvements: In 1999 Kahr Arms bought Auto-Ordnance and began producing the Thompson. There was also a semi-auto version of the M1 Thompson, the cheaper version developed by Savage Arms in WW2.Īs the 10MM cartridge became popular a 10MM chambering of the Thompson was introduced in the 1980’s so 10MM users could have a pistol and long arm of the same caliber.

    auto ordnance 10mm

    22-caliber from the ground up.Ī pistol version which mimicked the appearance of the original Thompson minus the stock was brought out with the original barrel length instead of the 16-inch barrel length mandated by the government for civilian sales of rifles.Īn aluminum receiver and frame marked the lightweight version for those who wanted ease of carry more than the steadiness of the heavier steel version. 22 conversion kit was brought out as an accessory just as the M1911A1 pistol has its conversion kits for inexpensive shooting. Many people simply had the new magazine catches modified for the original surplus magazines.Ī. The BATF demanded that the gun not use original Thompson magazines so the magazine catch was modified and the magazine hole for the catch was enlarged. The semi-auto version is a straight blow back design dispensing with the Blish lock of the originals as well as the oil pads inside the receiver. While the original Thompson submachinegun fired from an open bolt thereby eliminating 50% of the recoil and any chance of a hot barrel cooking off a round in the chamber BATF would only approve a closed bolt firing gun so the gun was designed to fire from a closed bolt. However, it was not until 1974 that a prototype was submitted to BATF for approval and it was not approved until March 1975. Auto-Ordnance was owned by Numrich Arms and George Numrich was the one who wanted a civilian legal version. My first glimpse of the semi-auto version of the Thompson submachinegun was a 1967 picture of Colonel Charles Askins holding one in a gun magazine.Īs a longtime lover of the Thompson I knew I had to have one.

    Auto ordnance 10mm